When applying a paint on a support you must consider some general aspects that apply in most cases. Surfaces must be completely clean and free of grease or dust. Depending on the product, in some cases the pavement may be wet. Taking these precautions will achieve a long product life and excellent mechanical behavior.
The professionals of industrial painting choose us. In Microcementos Online we present our category of Paints with the best products to repair cracks in walls, anti-humidity paints and different acrylic resins with offers of colors to decorate the concrete according to the chosen article.
The epoxy paint for the industry is an example of this, indicated for chemical and food installations where it is necessary to cover floors, tanks, silos that will be in contact with food. The objective of the material is to achieve a long-lasting renovation. There is transparent and colored epoxy paint according to particular needs.
Technology is also present in paintings. Photocatalytic paints that eliminate contamination of walls, facades in homes from the use of energy alone have revolutionized the market. Everything you need to know about construction and construction paints, you can find on our website.