Products to be applied in the form of cementitious grout on the concrete surface, for waterproofing and protection above and below ground level. It can be applied as a “Dry-Pac” to seal construction joints or to repair cracks and holes.
How do they work?
They are applied in the form of cementitious grout on the concrete surface, for waterproofing and protection
above and below ground level.
They can also be applied as “Dry-Pac” to seal construction joints or to repair cracks and holes.
Reactive chemical additives use water as a migration medium to penetrate into the capillaries
of concrete by molecular diffusion.
Once the TherGlass® Concrete active geo-polymers have dispersed inside the substrate,
react with existing moisture to trigger a catalytic reaction with unhydrated particles and
the by-products resulting from the hydration of the cement and present in the concrete, forming millions of
insoluble crystals that clog pores and capillaries, sealing cracks and fissures in the concrete structure,
blocking the passage of water and other liquids from any direction, even in high pressure conditions
hydrostatic ..
Therglass Concret, f + will form an active part of the support on which it has been applied, and will act continuously and
for life in the presence of water or moisture.