The epoxy primer is completely solvent-free and can be used on concrete, as connecting bridges between old and new concrete or for the preparation of epoxy mortars always on interior surfaces.
Packaging: 1, 5 and 30kg.
Colors: Colorless.
Consumption: 4-5 m2 / kg per layer (80–100 microns)
Conservation: 12 months from the date of manufacture, in original closed container (20ºC) and sheltered from the elements and humidity.
Pavex 2C Primer usage characteristics
Pot life: 15 minutes.
Dried at 20ºC and 60% relative humidity
Dry to the touch: 4-6 hours.
Total drying: 6 hours
Total polymerization: 7 days
Final appearance: trimmed
Pavex 2C Primer performance conditions
On a completely dry and moisture-free surface, clean and free of fats and other materials.
Do not apply with relative humidity higher than 85% and ambient temperature lower than 10ºC.
On a completely set cement base (≥28 days) and with humidity in the support of less than 4%.
On smooth, non-absorbent surfaces, open the pore by mechanical means (abrasive blasting, frosting, abrasive disc) accompanied by deep aspiration.
Apply with good air renewal, 100% solids free of solvent.
How to use the Pavex 2C Primer
Mix components A + B with a mixer at low speed until perfect homogenization is obtained.
The mixture of the 2 components has a life time of approximately 15 minutes.
The application of the already mixed product can be done using airless equipment, a brush, a roller ...
Pavex 2C Primer application recommendations
Application temperatures: 15-25ºC.
Always respect the same dosage.
Do not apply on wet floors or subject to possible humidity lifts.